'Most marriages break down over mundane household chores'

The article title says it's due to chores; but the article says it's differences around how money is spent. Article here. Excerpt:

'Most marriages break down over arguments about who does mundane household chores or pays the bills rather than due to infidelity, according to a leading law firm.

According to analysis of divorce cases by Gateley, a UK law firm, seven in ten marriages fall apart because couples fail to reach an agreement on decisions relating to the home, such as how monthly finances are arranged, where couples live or how household responsibilities are carved up.

Only one in five marriages ends because of infidelity, the law firm said.
Of the seven in ten marriages that fail because people can not agree on simple domestic issues, by far the most common cause is lack of agreement over finances. One in eight of these marriages disintegrate because couples are unable to agree on where to settle down.'

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