Race/gender obsession seems limitless in today's politics

The race/gender composition obsession seems endless. I honestly think if Minnie Mouse wanted to run for office vs. Sam Rayburn, Wasserman-Shultz would endorse the mouse. Video here. (For those unfamiliar with it, EMILY's List is a PAC that supports only female Democrat party candidates who support a pro-choice abortion position.)

Can you just imagine a PAC that explicitly stated it would only support male candidates that were pro-choice for men? Can you just imagine the constant howlings about it? Would any male politician feel or indeed be as free as Wasserman-Shultz to so openly deride "the other side" because of their ethnic or genderal composition? Politicians will use any means to garner votes; divide-and-conquer-the-electorate is as old a tactic as there is. After this year's general election, indeed, nothing's changed. It's business as usual.

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You decide... really, I'm embarassed for our country. No one who leads a major political party should act this way. It's one thing to act arrogantly, entitled, and fly off the handle in private. People who are focused (and sometimes more aptly-described as obsessed) with being powerful are imaginably expected to act like this from time to time. It's still wrong, still unacceptable, but it goes with the type of personality. But to let it run loose publicly? Bad idea. Shows a lack of judgment and self-discipline. Plenty of male pols have made the same mistake too, and their behavior was equally embarassing and unacceptable.


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Democrats, union leaders, feminists, Obama, Planned Parenthood should all throw themselves a big taxpayer-funded victory party. It's one big cycle. They collect free money by force and use it to elect and enact more policies to further their agenda and support one another.

What would happen if they all lived on an island and didn't have access to other people's money? Not one of those entitites could survive on their own or within the rules or ideals of their own policies.

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