Grandmother and son suspected in murders-suicides: 5 deaths

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Toledo woman and her son al­leg­edly con­spired to kill them­selves and three young chil­dren — her grand­chil­dren and his nieces and nephew — in or­der to pre­vent the chil­dren's par­ents from re­gain­ing cus­tody, po­lice the­o­rized on Mon­day.

Po­lice found the five fam­ily mem­bers — Sandy Ford, 56; Andy Ford, 32; Paige Hayes, 10; Logan Hayes, 7; and Mada­lyn Hayes, 5 — dead in­side of a car parked in­side the fam­ily's at­tached ga­rage at 5142 Harvest Lane on Mon­day af­ter­noon.
Ser­geant Hef­fer­nan said the par­ents were in the pro­cess of get­ting full cus­tody and po­lice be­lieve that was the mo­tive for the al­leged mur­ders and suicides. He said carbon monoxide poisoning was suspected as the cause of the deaths.

Dean Sparks, ex­ec­u­tive di­rec­tor of Lu­cas County Chil­dren Ser­vices, said Mon­day night that he did not im­me­di­ately have much in­for­ma­tion about the case, but did know that the chil­dren were placed in the Fords’ cus­tody in 2009.

He did not have any in­di­ca­tion that there were ever court pro­ceed­ings in­volved. Not speak­ing spe­cif­i­cally about this case, Mr. Sparks said that, some­times, a par­ent can give per­mis­sion for chil­dren to live with an­other rel­a­tive.'

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