Ashley Judd for Senate?

Article here. Excerpt:

'On Barack Obama: “I think that he has an incredible devotion to our Constitution.”

On culture:

I believe that the social construction of gender - the cultural beliefs and practices that divide the sexes and institutionalize and normalize the unequal treatment of girls and women, privilege the interests of boys and men, and, most nefariously, incessantly sexualize girls and women - is the root cause of poverty and suffering around the world.

And she’s a fanatical supporter of abortion. Remember when she viciously mocked Rick Santorum?'

In case you need it:

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After this election, I think the people would put a horse in the Senate, just like what happened in Rome shortly before its collapse. Although to be fair, like the Wikipedia entry says, it may never have really happened, and indeed, if it did, the horse would not have been elected but instead appointed by that nutcase, Caligula. And Ms. Judd can hardly be described as a horse. No, horses don't vote on critical pieces of legislation, even if they are members of a Senate. If she were, indeed, she'd be doing just that.

I suppose it isn't without precedent-- Americans electing people hardly qualified to run popsicle stands much less serve in the House, Senate, etc. Happens all the time. Witness our current totally-avoidable "fiscal cliff" crisis. (If we had a Congress that had as a minimum entrance requirement a basic understanding of the principles of accounting, we'd never be in this mess.) In fact one might argue that celebrities are very qualified at getting elected to office, for indeed, that is what qualifies you in the end to become a Congressoid or president-- being famous and acting the part, leading you to becoming good at getting elected. Actually being good at the job itself doesn't really matter one way or another.

Before we rush to condemn Ms. Judd's ambitions, let's recall a few names: Sonny Bono, a 1970s pop singer who ran for Congress and remained there during the 1980s before his accidental death in 1998. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who ran for and succeeded at becoming governor of California, the largest of all the US states. Ronald Reagan -- made it to president. In fact, here is a Top 10 list of actors-turned-pols. So it's far from unusual.

So will we never see Ms. Judd in the Senate, despite her even-for-feminism out-there views? After this recent election, anything's possible.

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