New PSA lets women Veterans know they've come to "The Right Place"

Link here. Excerpt:

'A new PSA from Women's Health lets women Veterans know they've come to the right place when they choose VA health care.

Watch the video and learn more about VA's ongoing culture change campaign. Read a recent article that expands on the message. See more headlines about women Veterans and Women Veterans Health Care.

Did you know that women are the fastest growing group within the Veteran population? Learn more about the changing face of women Veterans and what VA is doing to meet their health care needs.

This web site provides information on health care services available to women Veterans, including comprehensive primary care as well as specialty care such as reproductive services, rehabilitation, mental health, and treatment for military sexual trauma.

You can also find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about women Veterans health care.

At each VA Medical Center nationwide, a Women Veterans Program Manager is designated to assist women Veterans. She can help coordinate all the services you may need, from primary care to medical services to Mental Health and Sexual Abuse Counseling.

Women Veterans who are interested in receiving care at VA should contact their nearest VA Medical Center and ask for the Women Veterans Program Manager.'

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Oh yeah, there's no comparable web site detailing the customized services created for male veterans as male veterans. In fact, while there are special advocates for female veterans, there don't seem to be any for male ones.

Maybe that's just because, well, male veterans just plain ain't worth as much.

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quote from the site

"Military Sexual Trauma (MST). Women—and men as well—may experience repeated sexual harassment or sexual assault during their military service. Special services are available to women who have experienced MST. VA provides free, confidential counseling and treatment for mental and physical health conditions related to MST"

notice only women will receive treatment for this even tho they admit men have the same problem???


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