Female "caregiver" sexually assaults bedridden 106-YO woman, threatens retribution of she tells anyone

Article here. WARNING: Both graphic and disgusting! Read no further if you don't have a barf-bucket handy. I wonder what excuse will be made for this "caregiver" based on her "her-ness". Excerpt:

'A female caregiver was arrested today and charged with sexually assaulting a 106-year-old woman in her care, according to cops.

Taquita Lashay Watson, 29, had been providing in-home care to the bedridden victim, according to the Pensacola Police Department. Investigators determined that Watson last month had "used a sexual instrument" on the elderly woman.
[Ed.: I am deliberately breaking the 'Read more' section here since the more disgusting stuff follows. This is so the reader can decide for him- or herself if they really want to go on reading.]

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