'C*ck Block The Vote' PSA Discourages Men From Voting On 'Totally Biased'

Video here. Text:

'"If you have a penis, on November 6, it's crucial that you stay home and watch porn all day."

That's the message of a new PSA on FX's "Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell." The thing is, women support President Obama far more than men do, and if, in a reverse-19th amendment situation, only women voted, Obama would win in a landslide. (Assuming they don't let their hormones do the talking on Election Day.)

Everyone wins: Men don't have to inconvenience themselves, and women are happy they get a president who will protect their bodies and health. And if women are happy, men are happy, right?'

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This election cycle, gotta have a sense of humor. But at least this video does two things: It points out the reality that gee, men's votes do count for something! And secondly, such an in-your-face taunting should if nothing else encourage men to do their part tomorrow and vote. So really, it's not that bad. :)

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There is actually a very truthful message here, and that is that men's votes do count, and no amount of obsessing over women will change that. One can almost here the leaders of NOW thinking to themselves "if only those damn men couldn't vote things would be so much easier".

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I didn't cast a vote for anything - absolutely nothing - until I was in my late 20's. I know this is a real problem, as boys are systemically discouraged from taking leadership roles in schools in my opinion. I don't think I looked at porn on election day, but I know a lot of men did, and I know it is damaging to their physical and mental health.

These women's organizations and there weird sexual politics is a real problem. I find it deeply antagonistic and harmful to my well being.

The women I work with actually wept when Obama was elected. I know if I press them on their politics it comes down to sexuality. Best not ask any questions and do what they say though!

You know what I did do? I lifted weights and got a mean swell on, then I cooked up some mean and read education law and related acts for hours. I wrote several pages of commentary on John Henry Newman. I thought about ways to improve my sexual, athletic, and intellectual performance.

Stop giving women special rights and privileges! Let's have equal rights for men!

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