Study: Teens With Lesbian Mothers Do Better In School, Happier In Life

Article here. Excerpt:

'LOS ANGELES (CBS Las Vegas) – Teens living in homes with lesbian mothers are proving to be more successful in school and generally happier in life.

A new study has found that 17-year-olds with lesbian mothers had high school GPAs ranging between A-minus to B-plus, while having strong family bonds with their mothers, whom the teens consider good role models. The Williams Institute at UCLA, which conducted “Adolescents with Lesbian Mothers Describe Their Own Lives,” tracked 78 adolescents over a 26-year period.
The research, which appears in the Journal of Homosexuality, indicated that these teens had very close friends that they felt comfortable informing about their lesbian parents. “They teach me to be accepting of all people on this earth, no matter what differences they may have,” wrote one of 38 adolescent boys tracked in the study.'

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The Williams Institute at UCLA

Really, is there any chance that there'd be a different result?

Nothing wrong with two people of the same sex raising a child together, provided BOTH the actual parents of the child had their parental rights honored. Failing the practicality of that, or in the case of disinterest from one or both parents in parenting the child, of course it's better for a kid to have 2 parents rather than one. But it seems despite many more studies from numerous sources showing children from 2-parent, mom-and-dad households faring much better than any other kind of child-raising situation on average, I'd say it's all right to be a bit skeptical.

But let me make it clear: I am speaking of trends and averages. At no time would a child be better off in a 2-parent, mom-dad home where he or she is being abused vs. being in a 2-parent mom-mom or dad-dad home where such will not happen. In all circumstances, it's better for a kid to be raised by 2 loving parents regardless of what gender they happen to be rather than be raised in a house where they are being abused.

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By it's very nature the study referenced must be extremely subjective and easily influenced by the political beliefs of it's originators. Their claims are utterly at odds with the instances I've encountered.

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