The One Picture Feminists Don't Want Anyone to See

Look at this image. If you can't download it due to volume restrictions, try later. It's that good. Then when you see it, save it to your hard drive (if you don't know how to do this, see this .pdf document; if you are still confused, ask someone for help).

This is the image feminists don't want you you to see. It's a picture of a US soldier just back from deployment whose wife got pregnant just before he left. He had never seen his baby until now. And the picture tells it all as far as his reaction-- as well as how he feels about his baby.

Feminists told one of many Big Lies in the 1970s and have maintained it ever since. They have repeated it time and again and have gotten so many people to believe it that now even those who used to argue with them back then may actually believe it. It's just this: Men don't care about their kids. They are not deserving of any parental rights because they don't really care about children. They should be used only as resources for the maintenance of the child, of course, but only via the mother as the conduit and gatekeeper. In short, men should have no parental rights because they don't deserve them because they don't care about their kids anyway.

That was one of the Big Lies they told. But it was false back then and it's false today.

Share this picture. Post it to Facebook, wherever you can and say it like it is: Men love their children. And what is truly tragic is that society at large has been brainwashed into thinking that that isn't true. And so, is it any wonder that the US birthrate is the lowest it's ever been and the out-of-wedlock percentage of births is getting ever-closer to 50%? Perhaps it's because even potential fathers of children believe this Big Lie themselves.

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