Study: Ovulating May Make Women More Critical Of 'Unsexy' Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Hide what you are about to read from every man who has ever tried to blame his girlfriend's temper on her cycle. There is new evidence that suggests women will snap at their heterosexual partners more often while they are ovulating. Specifically, a recent study suggests that ladies who took, well, everyone's advice and settled down with brainy, stable guys instead of hunky irresponsible playboys are likely to find fault with their mates when they are most fertile.

The study, which will appear in the November issue of Hormones and Behavior, targeted two different groups of women in long-term heterosexual relationships. Research psychologists Martie Haselton and Christina Larson asked participants to rate their partner's sexual attractiveness and stability, and to track their ovulation cycles. They then quizzed each participant about the quality of her relationship at two different points in her cycle: once at a point of high fertility and once at a point of low fertility.'

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