New Jersey Assemblyman seeks council on dads

Story here. Excerpt:

'TRENTON — New Jersey’s government has councils to address a wide array of issues, from government records and local mandates to clean water and the Highlands region.

But a South Jersey legislator feels an important concern is being overlooked, so he’s proposed a council to promote responsible fatherhood.

“Twenty-four million kids under 18 live in homes absent a biological father,” says Assemblyman Troy Singleton, D-Burlington, who notes the proposed panel could identify “needs and priorities relating to fatherhood programs in the state.” The 21-member council also would work to attract federal grants and raise awareness of the impact of absentee fathers, he said.
“Getting them to understand the commitment is a challenge,” says Liss, who cites the club’s own Passport to Manhood weekly program for boys 13 through 18. “We get them to understand you have to make responsible decisions. They have to understand the ramifications of fatherhood.”'

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Yes, there are a lot of ramifications. I just hope he goes over the "30% Formula"* with them, too. Go in with eyes open if you go in at all!

*Half of marriages end in divorce, 70% of divorces are filed by the wife, 90% of minor children go to the mother in custody disputes: .5 x .7 x .9 = .3

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why have they gone this route at all??

why should men be programed from an early age to shoulder the responsibilities of a womans choices???

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Hence my 30% comment. But if he plans on delivering nothing else but this message: "Don't have unprotected sex unless you really want the trouble that comes along with being da daddy," then it's worth the effort.

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it just seems like they are shaming boys earlier and earlier to make them fall in line with what women want instead of teaching them to become men.

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women these days are taught that they have no limitations that they can do anything that they dont have to be accountable for their actions unless its in extreem conditions and even then they will get a p pass

while boys are taught that they are idiots rapists violent good for nothing losers that shouldnt stand in the way of any women except to absorb damage and violence for them....

this shit is getting old fast let me tell you.... and some of these schools need to be charged under the UDHR for their crimes under section 26

Article 26.

(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
(2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.

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“Getting them to understand the commitment is a challenge,”

When men can dump their babies at their local fire station (safe haven abandonment) like women do, then come talk about the responsibilities of fatherhood, until then spare us the gross hypocrisy.

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1. No fault divorce

and for us military folks

3: USFSPA - instant retirement pay for life for women who are married to military members for as little as a few months. No shit. A big incentive for women to divorce in the military. Especially since this is on top of child support and alimony.

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