Our View: Obama ad insulting to women

Article here. Excerpt:

'The nonsensical “war on women” charge against Republicans has gone too far and may have backfired. An Associated Press-GfK Group poll last week found that women, long Obama’s strongest asset in his re-election bid, have come to favor Republican Mitt Romney 49 percent to 45 percent. If true, it may prove disastrous for President Barack Obama. An ABC/Washington Post daily tracking poll had conflicting results, indicating Obama may still have a commanding lead with women.

Regardless, all reliable data indicate a decline in his support among women.

In a pathetic effort to jump start the “war on women,” the Obama for America campaign this week released the most tasteless and insulting ad of the election season, and that’s saying something.
Most American women are perfectly capable of managing their reproductive choices without assistance from the president. Most have a vast assortment of interests and concerns beyond their sex lives, but we seldom hear that from the president.

Please stop with the misleading and sex-obsessed “war on women” campaign. It has taken on a sexist and insulting tone that is beneath most Americans.'

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It is a creepy add!

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