Ann Coulter plays the 'sexist pig' card on Piers Morgan

Video here. Transcript:

'PIERS MORGAN, HOST: You called me in the break a sexist, misogynist pig.


MORGAN: Can you explain why?


MORGAN: What have I said that's been remotely sexist.

COULTER: “Calm down.” Oh, it is the conservative female obligation to…

MORGAN: You were hyperventilating.

COULTER: ..I'm not hyperventilating. I'm disagreeing with you, which apparently is insulting your teeny, tiny, male ego. It is the most insulting, condescending, sexist thing to say to a female - generally conservative - who disagrees with you. No, it's my obligation to back down and accept your point, and if I don't, “You're not being calm...'

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So, am not taking political sides at all. This is just about the dynamic involved and how one person (Coulter) resorted to name-calling and in particular the well-worn and cliched, 1970s-era 'sexist pig' routine.

My analysis, for what it's worth: male commentators/talk show type pundits have been known to tell one another to 'calm down' from time to time but don't resort to name-calling (well, not like this, anyway) to deal with it. Maybe they get defensive or say "whatever, Jim, let's get on with the topic at hand..." but they don't try to make it into a personal struggle, by and large (and if they do, everyone agrees it's the wrong thing for them to have done). Coulter was simply at a loss for what to do next, though admittedly, I don't have context here so I am not sure what they were discussing. So lacking a real argument, she resorted to sexual politics and name-calling.

Coulter loses major points here. She showed she didn't have a substantive come-back and tried the stop-picking-on-a-little-ol'-girl routine. And does anyone think Ms. Coulter needs that kind of defense proffered by herself or anyone else? Puhhleeze, she could out-argue and out-jab (literally and figuratively) easily 2/3+ of the male population of the planet! Sorry Ann, as they say in Alabama, that dawg won't hunt...

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