Obama's Pandering to Women Falls Short

Article here. Excerpt:

'President Barack Obama is straining to woo women voters to support him for reelection in spite of his sketchy record when it comes to issues affecting females.

Obama was asked during this week’s debate how he would “rectify the inequalities in the workplace, specifically regarding females making only 72 percent of what their male counterparts earn?”

The president claimed to have “fixed” that problem with the first bill he signed into law – the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
Then there’s Julia, the fictitious character created by the Obama campaign that leads voters though an informational graphic on everything Obama has done to help women.

Julia’s life begins with the head start program for all children, that actually began under former President Lyndon Johnson, to Pell grants, also created by Johnson, to Obamacare, that will cost thousands of dollars more each year in insurance premiums, but includes “free” birth control.

And thanks to the Lilly Ledbetter Act, “Julia is one of millions of women across the country who knows she’ll always be able to stand up for her right to equal pay.”

Interestingly, a poll released Thursday by a group called Generation Opportunity found that the top issues among women ages 18 to 29 are taxes, too much federal spending, and the weak economy.'

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I dunno, I think the pandering is working quite well. All my female friends are voting for Obama because they think Romney will stop abortion and close down Planned Parenthood...and they like the free birth control Obama is giving them.

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@Kris. I'm not a big fan of either candidate but whether you are a dem or a rep, the culture and behavior of women needs to change. Now as chauvinistic as that sounds, we need woman to say I'm not having sex because I don't want to get pregnant....or not have sex until marriage (same for males). Abortion and birth control is a remedy for women to behavior badly (men do as well). With abortion, there is roughly 107 males born for every 100 females born. There are roughly 1.4 million abortions in the US each year, so roughly 690,00 female fetuses are aborted. Each DAY in the US deaths by abortion exceed the number of deaths (3,900)on 9-11 (2,753). Every other day, roughly 2,000 females are killed by abortion. Al Queda and 'violent men' come no where close to desecrating the female gender as females do to themselves each day. each DAY.

1% of all abortions occur because of rape or incest; 6% of abortions occur because of potential health problems regarding either the mother or child, and 93% of all abortions occur for social reasons (i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient).

100% of the women who are for abortion WEREN'T aborted themselves. Why are their lives so much more valuable than the child they are carrying? Refer to the 93% figure above.

Women need to "MAN UP" and take responsibility for their actions. We hear the government can't tell women what they can do or not do with their bodies but the very women who are offended by these governmental regulation that may be implemented aren't giving those thousands of female fetuses the opportunity to choose what they can do with their own bodies because abortion kills them before they even get a chance to voice their opinion. So the government is wrong for attempting to control what you do with your body, but it's no problem for a woman to control a much younger women's body (fetus). This is double standard and a just another remedy to fix the wrongdoing they have done.

BTW I was raised by my grandmother who fought my mother to not get an abortion. My Grandmother brought me home from the hospital and took care of me until her death. I understand the power, influence, love, intelligence and compassion a woman can have for another human and the 'legitimate' struggles some women have. But my grandmother did not use her gender as a way to behave badly then fall back on the ' I'm a woman' excuse. I am so glad I wasn't aborted because I would have never felt the love my grandmother gave to me. I can never repay her for giving me the gift of life. To this day my mother is destitute and continues to cry the "I'm a woman' victim's anthem. A professional victim solely due to her having a vagina and expects to be compensated for that.

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You're preaching to the choir.

My birth mother was a prostitute. I am glad she didn't abort me. My brother and I were taken away by child protective services. She committed suicide and we were adopted by my parents.

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PS- I like the way you explained your position without bringing religion into the conversation. I have never been able to express it as well as you have.

I often say abortion is like bullying. "I'm bigger and I'm stronger, and no one is going to know what I am doing to you"

I also often say that promiscuous women are the downfall of society. They provide motivation for killing offspring (abortion) and they inhibit the formation of healthy families - and healthy families are the building blocks of a healthy society.

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