F&F: Ohio Service Member Is Granted Special Orders for Deployment

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Army officer who came to my office was worried. His relationship with his ex-wife, the mother of his child, was rocky to say the least. He had his orders deploying him to Afghanistan for at least a year. Was there anything he could do to make sure he could stay in touch with his son?

Because of Fathers and Families of Ohio’s work on military custody issues, Ohio is one of 36 states protecting our service members’ custody. As a result, the Ohio legislature and Governor John Kasich created a series of laws to protect Ohio service members deployed and on active duty in 2011. These laws effectively address the four biggest problems deployed service members face when trying to stay in contact with their children:'

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I loooked over the 4 laws Ohio has in place about keeping a deployed parent in contact with his/her children. They are excelelent. It should be federal law or adopted by every state.

Military parents have enough to worry about. Loosing their children shouldn't be one of them. I especially like the law about how father's time can be transferred to a relative of his while he is deployed. Good to have children connected to their paternal family.

PS - off topic
can anyone direct me to a post or information about about how many presidential committees, campaigns, social programs etc are devoted to women. I am trying to respond to "war on women"

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i think any gov committee would be a good place to start in the US there are many such offices for women and you could go office by office and add up all the programs but thats a hole i would want to go down myself because thats a lot of research

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