Denzel Washington's secret to marital success: Stay silent and do whatever she says

Article here. Quite a price to pay for such "bliss". I imagine another factor is that they probably don't see one another too much, an actor's schedule often being what it is. After all, how long can anyone, male or female, live under such circumstances and not eventually want to run like hell in the other direction? Excerpt:

'So what is the secret to their relationship's longevity? According to the actor, it's a two-step process: "Do whatever my wife says, and keep my mouth shut!" he told Wonderwall at the Los Angeles premiere of his latest film, "Flight."'

Imagine if a woman said that her 'secret to marital success' were to keep her mouth shut and do everything her husband told her to do? Can you just imagine the reaction? She'd be drummed out of the Los Angeles-Hollywood party circuit, labelled a traitor to her own sex and a bad example to girls and women everywhere! So what is Mr. Washington, then?

My take on marriage or any other LTR is this: If it's actually going to work (i.e., everyone is happy and the thing lasts), you have to give and take, but also stand your ground, say 'No' when you're not happy with an idea, and not let your mate push you around-- nor try to push your mate around, which is to say, you must take 'No' for an answer yourself. Your mate has as much right to stand his or her ground as you do, and if you both accept that respecting their right is as important to your right getting respected, things are a lot more likely to work out. To me, that is a far better formula for LTR longevity. (I like Ambrose Bierce's take on LTRs, too).

But what the hell do I know, I've never been in a movie or anything. :)

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Far be it for me to tell you Mr Washington how to live your life, but is it really necessary to inflict this upon the rest of us? You might like living at your wife's beck and call, but please don't presume to tell the rest of us adult males we should follow your lead.

Many thanks, an un-reconstructed chauvinist bachelor...

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