Women And STEM Careers: How Microsoft Is Building A Bridge To Future Innovation -- One Girl At A Time

Article here. Excerpt:

'Microsoft believes they need diverse teams to encourage innovation and ensure technological advancements. With women accounting for only 18% of the Bachelor’s degrees awarded in computer and information sciences and support services in the U.S. as of 2009-2010, Rane and Microsoft realize the need to grow interest at a younger age to attract more women to the field of technology. Working with their communities, governments, NGOs/IGOs, and academic and research institutions, they inspire women with creative thinking skills to pursue technical careers.

Out of this creative process came programs Microsoft now offers and supports both domestically and globally to engage and encourage young women in the technology field. There is DigiGirlz High Tech Camp, which targets girls 13 years and up. The camp is a three-day program giving young girls an opportunity to gain hands-on experience with technology, participate in technology tours and workshops, listen to executive speakers, and network with those in the industry. “During the camp, we work to dispel the stereotypes of the high-tech industry and help girls overcome fears that technology is ‘geeky’ and not for girls,” added Johnson-Stempson.'

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