"Perversion files" show locals helped cover up

Article here. Undoubtedly the vast majority of adults in Scouting are NOT child molesters, in the same way that the same can be said for college football coaches and clergymen. The issue here is that once again, boys were the victims of sexual predators (male or female, makes no difference), and instead of other adults standing to defend them, they turned their backs on them. Need I make the point yet again: Would they have done thus if the victims had been girls? No way. Excerpt:

'PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — An array of local authorities — police chiefs, prosecutors, pastors and town Boy Scout leaders among them — quietly shielded scoutmasters and others who allegedly molested children, according to a newly opened trove of confidential files compiled from 1959 to1985.

At the time, those authorities justified their actions as necessary to protect the good name and good works of Scouting. But as detailed in 14,500 pages of secret "perversion files" released Thursday by order of the Oregon Supreme Court, their maneuvers protected suspected sexual predators while victims suffered in silence.

The files document sex abuse allegations across the country, from a small town in the Adirondacks to downtown Los Angeles.

At a news conference Thursday, Portland attorney Kelly Clark blasted the Boy Scouts for their continuing legal battles to try to keep the full trove of files secret.'

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