UK: Modern women feel feminism 'not relevant' to their generation

Article here. Excerpt:

'Only one in seven women describes herself as a "feminist", while one in five said feminism was 'not relevant' to the modern generation, according to a new UK survey.

One in three modern women view traditional radical feminism as "too aggressive" towards men, the survey by a UK-based parenting website found.

Fewer than one in ten women aged 25 to 29 identified with feminism, compared with a quarter of those aged 45 to 50 and just one in seven women describes herself as a "feminist" with younger women even less likely to describe themselves as such.

A third view traditional radical feminism as "too aggressive" towards men, while a quarter no longer view it as a positive label, the Daily Mail reported.'

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I mean, let's say you come up with a strategy to win a baseball game, and it works. You've won. Now there is another game upcoming but it's a different team. Would you necessarily think the strategy you just used is relevant to the next game? Maybe not so much.

Or another analogy-- if you are a smoker and smoke up the cigarette through the filter, after the cigarette is gone, do you keep the filter? It's done what you needed it to do, so you discard it. Feminism was and still is a blunt-force weapon to use on men, and it worked, very nicely too I might add. It still does. But since it got women so much of what they wanted, most, esp. more now the younger ones, just don't feel they need it. They have the courts on their side. They have employers on their side. The have pop culture on their side. They by and large have men on their side, too. And they have each other on their side. I mean really, who needs feminism when you have everything else?

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