UK: Thousands of young boys 'struggling to write their name'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Figures show that 15 per cent of boys struggle to form simple words such as “dog”, “cat”, “mum” and “dad” from memory at the end of the reception year.

They are around twice as likely as girls to fail in basic writing at the end of pre-school, it emerged.

Data from the Department for Education also showed that some four-in-10 boys and almost a fifth of girls cannot write a simple shopping list or a letter to Santa.

In further figures, It was revealed that eight per cent of boys cannot count up to 10, compared with just five per cent of girls. They were also considerably more likely to struggle to dress independently and manage their own hygiene.'

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This is the problem with schools and standardization. They expect all children to learn the same things at the same rate.

At this young age (we're talking the age of 5) it is typical to see a large variance of skills among children. Body chemistry also plays a role in the gender differences. In the end, after puberty, boys will have much more muscle skill compared to girls so it takes longer to develop.

This is just more evidence that schools are more geared on measuring everything to favor girls.

And now that I think of it, I'm not sure my boys could write their names at 5 years old, but they could sure do Legos.

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