Mother who glued daughter's hands to wall: 'I'm not a monster'

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 23-year-old Texas mother who beat her daughter and glued her hands to a wall told a Dallas judge on Wednesday that she was a monster a year ago, but she has changed.

"Elizabeth Escalona is not a monster," she said of herself, according to a tweet by Dallas Morning News' crime reporter Scott Goldstein. "I want everybody to know that I'm not a monster. I love my kids. I love my babies."

Escalona pleaded guilty in July to first-degree injury to a child, a felony. Prosecutors are seeking a 45-year prison sentence.

She cried as she recounted what she did to her daughter, according to Goldstein: "I hit her, I kicked her constantly and she didn't deserve that.”

She described a grim home life -- four of her children slept on a sofa because a mattress was infested with bed bugs.
But prosecutors have painted a portrait of a violent young woman, playing recordings of her as a teenager threatening to kill her mother. They said she was a former gang member who started smoking marijuana at age 11.

Her mother, Ofelia Escalona, has stood by her daughter and now cares for Escalona's five children, including Jocelyn, who has recovered.

On the stand, Ofelia Escalona burst into tears and said, “I wish as a mother that I had done more to protect my daughter.” She pleaded with the judge to show her daughter mercy.'

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Does anyone think she would now not be a 'monster' today if she hadn't been caught? Of course everyone is sorry for what they did, beating and abusing the hell out of their kid, *after* they get exposed and especially when threatened with *gasp* being held to account under the law. Otherwise, they just keep abusing their kid. When was the last time you heard of a pathological child abuser actually realizing, without prompting of any kind, that he or she was indeed a total nutcase and go out to get help with no arm-twisting at all? I have never heard of such a case. Basically, people who abuse their kid(s) will keep doing it until they cannot anymore because they are stopped from doing so by outside forces or because the kid escapes, either by finally growing up and moving out or just plain running away.

No, she's a nasty, real nasty, child abuser. And of course now, she's all woe-is-me. But I don't buy it. Question is, will all this Johnny-come-lately remorse buy her anything with the judge? I'm guessing it will. After all, she's female. It would have 0 effect if she were a he. But because she's a she, she'll probably be facing at least a 30% reduction in time as compared to what a man would get. Then of course she stands a much greater chance of being paroled, too. My bet is this: Assuming her lawyer doesn't pull it out, she'll see at most 5 years behind bars. That's assuming her lawyer isn't very good.

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There must be a man to blame!!!

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