Advocacy group backs order to send girls back to Italy

Article here. Excerpt:

'On Monday the Family Court dismissed the mother's last ditch attempt to keep her four daughters in Australia after she brought them here two years ago from Italy, ostensibly for a short holiday.

The Brisbane court ruled the children, aged between nine and 15, be returned to their father in Italy and they were immediately taken into the custody of the Queensland Department of Communities.

The girls' distraught mother was seen yelling out to her screaming daughters around 3:30am on Thursday as they were escorted onto a plane by police and an official from the Italian embassy.
The legal action has run for more than a year and men's rights advocates say the court was correct to uphold the rules of the Hague Convention.

Men's Rights Agency director Sue Price says while the mother is grieving, she should not have flouted the law.'

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