Finally, a Book on How to Raise a Sexist Jerk! (Every Mom's Dream Read)

Article here. Excerpt:

'Dear Adriana: I'm raising a young boy and I want him to grow up to be a big, strong man. But I also want to make sure he's a sexist asshole who can't cope with everyday civilized life in these modern times. I want him to feel totally out of sync with the rest of the world's sexual politics. I want women to avoid him like the plague and for men to be embarrassed around him. What's the most important thing I can do?

Fake letter writer who I just made up, I'm glad you asked that question! I have a book for you. It will do all of these things for your son. It's called Raising Boys Feminists Will Hate by Doug Giles. Let me tell you more about this extremely useful tome.

And because honestly, I couldn't possibly put it better myself, here is the book description from the back cover.'

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Honestly at first I thought he had written a comedic piece but then I saw hit YT vid. Well I can't say I agree with his desire to see boys molded into "classic men": providers, etc., in a world where being a "provider" means you'll get taken to the cleaners in divorce court and stay stuck in a role that is both limiting and for many men very unfulfilling. But his point about how feminists are out to de-masculate males when they are young-- that part he has right. The evidence is found in schools all over the country and indeed in pop culture. So, take what works for you, leave the rest. That's what I always do.

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