"Blame Mars, not Venus"

Article here. Excerpt:

'IT IS no secret that support for Mitt Romney and Barack Obama breaks down differently among men and women. But while this “gender gap” is typically discussed in terms of Mr Romney’s stance on so-called "women’s issues", such as abortion rights and contraception coverage, the evidence indicates that it actually reflects partisan differences over the government's social-welfare programmes. Moreover, the source of the gender gap has less to do with women and more to do with men moving away from the Democratic Party.

If the gender gap is defined as the difference between men and women’s support for a candidate, most polls currently show it to be about ten percentage points for Mr Romney, who does better with men. (John McCain, by comparison, faced a gap of about five points in 2008.) Women have been consistently more likely than men to give the president higher marks, and there is evidence that more women than men have swung into Mr Obama’s column in the last month, helping to fuel a recent bump in the president's poll numbers.'

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