NOW: Fall 2012 – Newsletter of the NOW Family Law Ad Hoc Advisory Committee

Newsletter here. Excerpt:

'Dear NOW Leaders and Members,

The purpose of the Family Law Committee Newsletter is to provide continuing education about current news and information regarding the ongoing crisis for mothers and children in family
courts. We hope you find the information we share with you of value as you go about your work on behalf of women and their families, and you are encouraged to share it with members of the public.

This Special Report of the NOW Family Law Ad Hoc Advisory Committee focuses on the destructive ability of abusive parents (usually the father) – aided by fathers’ advocacy groups or fathers’ rights groups – to deny the protective parent (usually the mother) custody of minor children. Discussed in this issue is how abusers deny custody, and the damage it causes to a half million or more children exposed to continuing physical, psychological and sexual abuse.

We agree with the Leadership Council on Child Abuse & Interpersonal Violence, as well as other anti-domestic violence and child welfare organizations that this phenomenon constitutes a national public health crisis. Discussed in this issue is how abusers are using family courts to deny custody to protective parents and the damage this causes to a half million or more children exposed to continuing physical, psychological and sexual abuse.

"Fathers’ Rights" Activism

The following information presents NOW Foundation’s views about fathers' rights groups and how their agenda harms the lives of mothers and their children during and after custody disputes. We wish to educate mothers, activists and the public about the adverse impact these groups have on protective mothers and children through their power to mislead and to control.


Groups Differ in Focus - First, a note of clarification: fathers’ custody activists or fathers' rights groups focus on divorce, custody and alleged gender discrimination in the courts; as opposed to the men’s liberation groups who contend men are victims of gender inequality in general as the women's rights movement has grown. In our view, the term "fathers' rights" is misleading as no legal rights are denied to men because they are men or fathers. Additionally, we question calling the activism of those who promote fathers' custody a "movement." It is essentially a collection of small groups and networks across the U.S. and abroad who communicate primarily through the Internet. Activist numbers are relatively small, but their impact in family court proceedings has become significant and harmful to women.

Backlash Against Social Change - The so-called fathers’ rights or men's rights movement began as a backlash against what some fathers perceived as unfair sole custody awards to mothers and the assignment of child support responsibilities to non-custodial dads. Additionally, the expansion of shelters, social services and legal aid for battered women, together with better job opportunities for women, made escape from a violent marriage easier for women, enabling many to obtain a divorce and seek custody of minor children. As with other major societal revolutions, gains made by the feminist movement and women’s bid for equality prompted a backlash by men who felt threatened by changing roles.'

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