Graduate schools follow trend of 3:4 M:F ratio in higher education

The title is "Enrollment Drops Again in Graduate Programs" but the real story is this: in grad school programs, 58% of enrollees are female. Yet is anyone saying this is a crisis that requires a Title IX-like attack to fix it like they would if the genders were reversed? No, you can hear a pin drop, the silence is so deafening. Article here. Excerpt:

'Enrollment in college is still climbing, but students are increasingly saying no to graduate school in the United States.

New enrollment in graduate schools fell last year for the second consecutive year, according to a report from the Council of Graduate Schools.
Women continued to outnumber men in the nation’s postgraduate programs, 58 percent to 42 percent, in the 2011 report.'

That is a 16-point spread. What those numbers mean is that for every 100 women going to grad school, just over 72.4 men are going, for a difference of 27.6 students. That is not insignificant. If those numbers were reversed, do you suppose the government would be silent on the matter? Or indeed any number of other entities?

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