Uganda: Tororo Women Discourage Men From Circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'Tororo women are discouraging their husbands from undergoing circumcision, health authorities have disclosed.

Willy Mungoma, the district health educator, said most of the women think their husbands may take long to heal, thereby denying them sex.

"In our routine sensitisation programmes and radio tallkshows, women challenge us to explain how long their husbands would take to heal. This is because they think taking a long time to heal would make them miss sex," he said.
He urged parents to support the education of their children, saying this would eliminate early marriages and prevent them from engaging in sex before they are 18.

Participants recommended that health centres start encouraging the distribution of condoms to pupils and students who may need them. This Ministry of Education and Sports banned the distribution of condoms in schools.'

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"This Ministry of Education and Sports banned the distribution of condoms in schools."

Next to abstinence, condoms are the most reliable way not to spread STDs, including HIV. And this is a proven, often-proven, repeatedly-studied, unequivocal fact. Yet rather than do the obviously right thing, they are in effect advocating for the mutilation of men's genitalia because they think it might reduce the spread of HIV-- when in fact, it can't, not unless the man's penis is in a condom or not involved in sex at all. Maybe by cutting off the most sensitive part of a man's penis they hope he'll lose a lot of interest in sex and so will have it less and be less likely to contract HIV, or spread it? One can only imagine the bizarre hoops of illogic one must jump through to conclude that cutting a young man's foreskin away but not encouraging him to use the only means of preventing STD spread from occurring short of abstinence is somehow the right thing to do.

It boggles the mind.

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So their only concern is the impact on thier own sex lives. Not the impact on their husbands' enjoyment of sex, or the psychological impact, or the issues around pain management, or even whether or not their husbands want to be circumcised (my body my choice!), but the simple fact they'll have to go without for a few weeks.

Because women are just so full of empathy and understanding for others, aren't they!

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