Violence: It's men's fault

A new "documentary" film is being premiered by Twin Cities Public Television this week. Given the fact that the promoter is a member of the Minnesota domestic violence network, the content will likely be long on political content and short on facts. Hopefully, true social scientists will view it and debunk it before it gets wider distribution. The promoter, Minnesota State legislator Michael Paymar, is well known for his efforts in characterizing fathers as being violent and preventing them from having custody following divorce or separation. Link here. Excerpt:

'Join tpt at a pre-broadcast screening of a new film that explores cultural and historic beliefs about manhood that allow men to exploit and hurt women – with impunity.

With Impunity: Men & Gender Violence engages the thinking of leading historians, sociologists and practitioners to examine our past, cultural realities and options for ending gender-based violence. This program is a tpt MN co-production with Education for Critical Thinking.

A free community preview screening will be held this Thursday at 7 p.m. at William Mitchell College of Law, 875 Summit Avenue in St. Paul.

The event will be hosted by Eric Janus, President and Dean of William Mitchell College of Law and the discussion of the film will feature With Impunity developer Michael Paymar and producer Daniel Pierce Bergin. The event is free and open to the public; no reservations necessary.'

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Ever see a woman slap a man in the face on TV? In real life? I have, both counts. Or if you are male, been assaulted by a female and been laughed at, like in school, or at home, or by a girlfriend? Me, all three counts. Did anyone care? Does anyone typically care?

Now imagine if I were female and my assailants were male. Now, would people typically care?

So who gets to assault who "with impunity" here?

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