Some American Jews Think That Child Circumcision Should Be Against the Law

Article here. Excerpt:

'A growing number of Jews are in favor of banning child circumcision. These Jews recognize a minor's right to their own body, a right that supersedes the rights of a parent to harm the body of a child in the name of religion.
What follows is a collection of statements from Jews who question the ethics and legality of forced under-age circumcision. Jewish Americans Support Outlawing Child Circumcision

"I am a Jewish mother against circumcision and in support of passing Bill 1777. For years I was a certified childbirth educator and now a journalist and filmmaker. I continue to educate people that childbirth is a natural event rather than one filled with unnecessary drugs and other medical intervention, and circumcision is an unnatural event. These are two clear-cut examples of interfering with nature."

- Katherine Mora, Jewish Mother , Testimony before the Massachusetts Joint Committee on the Judiciary'

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