Future will see costs of gender gap in higher education

Article here. Excerpt:

'Call me biased, but the data does seem to suggest women are smarter than men. Or, at least, they aspire to go to college more and are more likely to graduate with degrees than men are.
The problem with the gender imbalance in higher education isn’t that more women are enrolling in higher education. The problem is that men aren’t keeping pace.

While a stabilized gender gap that swings in favor of women doesn’t seem like such a bad thing, men need degrees just as much as women do.

More education pays off more, literally. A study by Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce shows workers with at least some post-secondary education fared better through the recession than those without any.

A generation of undereducated men will contribute less to the economy, and leave future generations with fewer role models in education to look to.

If men fail to catch up and the gender disparity grows wider, you don’t need to go to college to see the implications.'

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