Grading Obama's First Term for Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'The goal of this article is to evaluate how women and women's issues have fared during President's Obama's first term. We'll examine the entire four years in order to gauge progress and unresolved shortcomings.

Those of you who have followed my writings here and at the Daily Beast, know I was an early critic of Obama on women's issues. To his credit, I have watched Obama evolve since then. To wit, his recent appointment of Debbie Wasserman Schultz to DNC Chair, after he irked women's group early in his term by selecting anti-choice Tim Kaine. Whether Obama's evolution is personal growth or politically motivated, I will leave to you, the reader, to decide.

I need to lay out two disclaimers. First, Obama is not directly accountable for all metrics. For example, as relates to jobs, he cannot direct gender hiring preferences in the private sector (although, he can lead by example). Second, this article does not examine whether the GOP offers a better alternative in areas of weakness. For example, while Obama's efforts on the Paycheck Fairness Act may be disappointing, the GOP is patently against legislative equal pay, period. Let's begin.'

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1. Supreme Court Appointments: F
2. Equal Pay: N/A. There isn't a problem here for women or men. It's been debunked.
3. Sexual Violence Against Men and Boys: F
4. Inner Circle and Cabinet: F - A lot of his inner circle and cabinet are men, but they're feminists.
5. Reproductive Rights: F
6. Jobs: F
7. Sexism: F
8. White House Work Environment: F
9. Men Running the Economy: What? I don't even get it. "Running the economy" in even a regulated capitalist market like ours is largely about supply and demand. "Who runs the economy?" is as bizarre a question as "What sound is red?" One can appoint officials to oversee institutions of this or that kind but no one can be said to "run" an economy the size of the US's.

Aggregate score: F

And there you have it.

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After reading that drivel, I couldn't help but think how much I'd love to see someone write a review for how he's done with men's rights. I agree with every grade. I couldn't help but post this comment under the article of MuffPost:

Way to expose Obama as the woman-panderer he is! It sure would be nice to have a president who gave a rats ass about men too. As demonstrated by the "dear colleague" letter, which now makes it possible for a man to be expelled from college over an unsubstantiated accusation, Obama would happily throw men and their rights under the bus for the sake of catering to women. I sincerely hope he gets voted out this fall. I'm not a big Romney fan, but at least he doesn't act like he's a big fan of freedom, then goes and takes away men's due process, forces people to pay to cover only women's health concerns, continues a war he promised to end, and signs a bill making a person's rights nonexistent as long as someone accuses them of terrorism, like Obama.

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