In Defense Of The Child

Article here. Excerpt:

'Since children – especially babies and infants – cannot consent to procedures that would violate their right to bodily integrity, the right to consent is legally vested in the parents or guardians of the child. But they cannot legally consent to any procedure: violations of bodily integrity are permissible only insofar as they benefit the child (for example, the consent to have vital surgery performed on the child).

In the case of circumcision, this is only the case when a persuasive medical reason exists to justify the procedure. German law does not permit violations of bodily integrity that serve the freedom of religion of the parents. Freedom of religion is limited by strong considerations of the rights of the child. Under this framework, tradition cannot suffice as a justification for the violation of important rights – a legal interpretation that was affirmed in 2000, when a court ruled that physical punishment of children was illegal even in places where it had historically been carried out on a routine basis. Physical punishments, psychological torments, and other degrading measures are impermissible as educational tools. Even if the German parliament passed a law to allow male circumcision, the Constitutional Court would be likely to reverse it.'

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