SAVE: Tell VP Biden that Every MAN Deserves to be Safe from Violence

September 13 marked the 18-year anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).

Vice President Biden issued a statement commemorating this anniversary. Included in his statement: VAWA "was founded on the basic premise that every woman deserves to be safe from violence." VP Biden goes on to give statistics only about female victims of domestic violence. He concludes by stating "I urge Congress to keep the promise we made to our daughters and our granddaughters on that day-that we would work together to keep them safe." Statement:

Biden's glaring omission of male victims, time and time again, seems as if he is putting forth the contention that men don't deserve to be safe from violence. What other conclusion can one reach?

The Vice president refused to tell a national TV audience that women should never hit men to get their attention when he was asked to on The View. Video:

Every speech by Biden completely ignores the fact that women are perpetrators and men are victims of DV. The latest CDC study shows 53% of the victims of partner violence are men and 42% of the victims of severe DV are men. Report:

Call or write the White House today. Ask, "Why does Vice President Biden feel that only women, not men deserve to be safe from violence? Shouldn't we keep our sons and grandsons safe from domestic violence too?" Then remind them that discrimination is wrong. Demand that the Vice President tell the entire truth about domestic violence now, and in the future.

Call: 202-456-1111 or 202-456-1414
Fax: 202-456-2461

On behalf of all male victims, thank you!

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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