His Body, His Choice

Article here. Excerpt:

'Circumcision infringes on a child’s right to physical integrity and religious freedom. A powerful policy of deterrence should therefore be established.
As part of this worldwide trend, and following other professional organizations, the KNMG published a position paper in 2010 on the ‘non-therapeutic circumcision of minors’ (NTC). In it, the KNMG concluded that circumcision violates the child’s right to autonomy and physical integrity. One of the main guideposts for the KNMG in this issue is the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). This declaration states that children should be protected ‘against all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse.’ It also calls upon governments to ‘take measures to abolish traditional practices prejudicial to the health of children.’ There is ample scientific proof that NTC is indeed prejudicial to the health of children. Around 25-50% of healthy skin is removed from the penis in circumcision.
This growing aversion to NTC is therefore not caused by anti-religious or anti-Semitic feelings, but by an increased emphasis on human rights, combined with a growing awareness that children have the same fundamental human rights as adults. If it is not permissible to forcefully circumcise a grown man, why would it be permissible to do so to a child? The law protects the physical integrity of young girls, should it not do the same for boys? As it is his body, shouldn’t it be his choice?'

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