Men’s Rights “Hate Speech”
Article here. Excerpt:
'The following poster is being placed prominently in multiple cities in Canada, starting in Vancouver but also elsewhere. Similar posters with similar messages are beginning to appear in Seattle and other parts of the United States, as well as Australia and the UK. In every place so far that they’ve gone up, they’ve faced ridicule, mocking, and, worst of all, received regular vandalism and torn down in locations where it’s perfectly legal to place and display them. They have been classified by people who call themselves “feminists” as “hate-speech.”
The statistics from these posters are from the Canadian government and apply to Canada nationwide; statistics for the US, Australia, and other advanced Western nations are very similar, however. The poster reads:
40% of domestic violence victims are male
94% of all industrial deaths and accidents happen to men
42% of Bachelor’s Degrees are earned by men
90% of divorces are initiated by women'
If someone can tell me which of the major Presidential campaigns in America plans to do anything about any of the above, I’d like to hear it. So far as I can see, Barack Obama has nothing to say about any of it, and neither does Mitt Romney.
Further mainstream news coverage of the postering campaign and active censorship efforts against them here. Further discussion of these issues, as well as censorship efforts against them, here.
Why do I write about these things? Because I have sons I love, growing up in a world that is increasingly contemptous and dismissive of them.'
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