"Patriot Voices" daclares "Moms Know Best"

Read it here. Pandering knows no political ideology or moral limits. There doesn't seem to be a contact page but there is a Facebook account for them here. Excerpt:

'Patriot Voices has released a survey by The Tarrance Group that listens to the voices of moms through an online survey in five Battleground states – Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Florida, and Virginia. What it found shows that Moms Know Best, and that candidates running for national office this November shouldn’t discount the opinions of Moms across these important states. Most acknowledge that they are a key voting block this year, and that although many minds are seemingly made up, this demographic famously make up their minds late, or are often willing to change them.

From September 6 through September 8, we will be sharing additional information about this survey. On Thursday, September 6, we are releasing the scope of the survey and some key findings. On Friday, September 7, we will be sharing the surprising results regarding Moms’ feelings on national security issues, and on Saturday, September 8, we will be releasing information on Moms’ opinions on oil and energy production, government regulations and Obamacare.'

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