'Not your mom and dad’s Democratic Party anymore'

Article here. Excerpt:

'But here’s the bottom line. Aside from the prime time speeches (where they largely put their best face’s forward), the message boils down to a collection of grievances, fear, sob stories — and a celebration of victimhood (only government can save us!).

How may times have we heard something such as, “Barack Obama understands women. Barack Obama cares about women.”

Can you imagine the same thing being said about men?

And while the mainstream media won’t say this, they are overplaying the “woman issue” — taking a very sympathetic argument, and turning it into a negative. Most people believe in equality for women — they do not, however, embrace radical feminism. The Democrats, by pushing this message so aggressively, seem intent on growing the (rarely-discussed) gender-gap problem they already have with men.'

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