"Family of Men" DV victims support society site

Just learned about this web site: http://www.familyofmen.com/ and wanted to pass it along to MANN readers. Looks like great stuff! From their About page:

'For more than 10 years the Family of Men has operated a telephone crisis line.

The daily averages of callers are 2 per day.

Of the 1200 callers per year (2001) 22% are from women. Of the 22% women callers approximately 25% are from mothers who’s sons are in a violent domestic situation and they are concerned not only for their son’s safety but also the safety of their grandchildren. An additional 25% are from, what I call the 2nd wives club, women who are married to a man with a vindictive 1st wife and their life is in total distress due to the situation. The remaining 50% consists of sisters, girlfriends and female friends who are concerned for a male in their life.

A typical male caller is between the ages of 24 and 54 years of age. These men are mostly working fulltime in a secure job or a part time in a seasonal job, a small percentage are homeless and without work looking for a place to live. Most likely, 62%, the men are in a relationship that is unstable or are separated/divorced. It is noted that 83% of the men with children their main concern is the fact that they are paying child support, usually 30% of their income, and are unable to see their children. These fathers want to take an active part in their children’s lives but are unable to do so. These men are usually feeling anxious or depressed and are feeling very isolated because no one is listening to their story.'

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