Dependent feminism is bankrupting our country

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'As a woman who has managed businesses, when I look at Sandra Fluke and the Obama campaign railing against the so-called "Republican war on women," it reminds me of my naive college days.

Dependent feminists taught us to be empowered women, reject the family structure (marriage) and then demand that others pay for our birth control, abortions and child care. Government dependency would replace self-dependency or need of family/husbands. This "Julia" model has never worked and is bankrupting our society.

President Barack Obama has resorted to micro-pandering to different interest groups to cover up his incompetence in running an executive office. He has never held a job where he had to make payroll or balance a budget. He is just another man who promises big and doesn't deliver. According to polls, it is naive single women, falling for someone for the wrong reasons.

I would like to encourage my younger counterparts, when looking for someone to fill any position (job, husband or president), to look at their honesty, dependability and performance. Obama's record is one of incompetence. Remember, when we demand that others provide for us, we are not standing up for our rights as women, but acting like little girls.'

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