China: 'Left Behind Boys'

Article here. Excerpt:

'As more boys struggle in schools, educators must address their special learning styles and challenges

Over half of China's primary and secondary educators are women, and female teachers account for an even larger proportion in primary and junior middle schools, according to a recent national survey on teaching staff of primary and secondary schools. The survey, conducted by researchers from Beijing Normal University, revealed that by the end of 2009, women had rose to 52.93 percent of all full-time teachers in primary and middle schools.

The survey report warned that the demographic change of teachers' body, with more females and fewer male teachers, would hamper the growth of male students and cause a loss of masculinity and self-confidence in them. Such a finding rekindles people's interest in the so-called "boys crisis": Boys are struggling more than girls in school while becoming intellectually and physically weaker. This topic has attracted extensive attention from the country's educational community for years.'

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