Class of '16 sees men as 'dumb and dumber'

Article here. I guess this is what happens when you feed them a steady diet of pop culture and anti-male TV commercials, all without telling them who invented all the electronics they use, the cars they ride in, the houses the live in, the schools they go to, etc., etc. Excerpt:

'The students are also accustomed to seeing women in position of leadership. They came of age at a time when Madeleine Albright was serving as the first female U.S. secretary of state, and women have held the position for most of their lives.

And the old Hollywood stereotype of ditzy blonde women has given way to one of "dumb and dumber males," according to the list.

"In general, there was always the complaint that it was too slow for women to get to positions of responsibility," said Ron Nief, one of the two Beloit College officials who compiles the list. "Now the question is, `What took so long?'"'

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