German judge says circumcision violates human rights-- over 700 doctors and profs sign support letter
Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2012-08-20 01:01
From Marc A.:
As you know, a judge in Germany ruled that infant male genital mutilation violates boys' human rights. A Reuters story on the judge's decision is at http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/06/27/us-germany-circumcision-idUSBRE85Q19Y20120627.
And as expected, powerful religious lobby groups got the German parliament to legislatively override the judge's decision that circumcision violates human rights. But the good news is that this is forcing the issue into a public debate, and over 700 doctors and professors just signed a letter supporting the judge's decision! The letter in German is here.
An imperfect Google translation from German to English, with the list of the co-signors and their credentials, is here.
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