Second-Class Citizenship
Most of the U.S. is busy pandering to women. I nominate Bellingham, Washington, as the worst panderer. Men of Bellingham are truly second-class citizens. During about a four month period, I have noticed 33 activities and events that are by, for, and about women. As far as I could tell, none of these events received any complaints. I could only find 2 comparable activities for men, one of which received a complaint of being sexist.
So I took it upon myself to complain to the organizers about the sexism of a few of the women's events. For the most part, I was ignored. Apparently sexism is of little concern if it is against men. One organization, however, did respond to my complaint: its bicycle maintenance class was changed from "for women only" to "especially for women."
One of the events listed is an article in a local newspaper which raved about an appearance of the Chippendale male strippers. I do not believe I will live long enough to see a local mainstream newspaper give a positive review of female strippers.
2/4/12--Western Washington University (WWU) sponsors Elect Her to encourage women to run for student government
2/16--Fairhaven Bike and Ski sponsors Ladies Night
2/22 to 2/25--WWU sponsors Vagina Memoirs
3/6--the class Owning Your Female Power begins
3/7--Wild Whatcom Walks sponsors Ladies Night Out
3/8--International Women's Day is celebrated with a screening of the film "Miss Representation"
3/18--YWCA sponsors Northwest Women's Hall of Fame Dinner
4/4--the newspaper, Cascadia Weekly, gives a glowing review of the Chippendale strippers
4/6--Wild Whatcom Walks has Ladies Night Out
4/11--City council member Cathy Lehman reveals that she ran for the position because she is female
4/19--Kulshan Cycle sponsors Ladies Night
4/21--Boating For Women By Women Seminar at Squalicum Yacht Club
4/27--A women's gym, Butterfly LIFE, presents "Chicago" for it's Flicks for Chicks.
4/28--Men bring attention to domestic violence against women by walking in women's shoes
5/4--Marianne's House (for adults with developmental disabilities) sponsors an auction of local eligible bachelors at a nearby casino
5/10--Everybody Bike sponsors a bicycle maintenance class for women
5/11--the Fairhaven community of Bellingham sponsors Girls' Night Out.
5/12--Represent! shows a film and sponsors a discussion encouraging women to run for public office
5/13--benefit concert for Bellingham Girls Rock, a summer camp dedicated to empowering girls
5/15--HD Vest Investment Services offers 3 seminars in its Women's Empowerment Series
5/18--downtown Bellingham sponsors Ladies' Night Out
5/18--Bellingham Technical College explores non-traditional careers for women with The Road Less Graveled
5/19-- American Association of University Women holds a benefit supporting scholarships for women in local colleges.
5/20--WWU sponsors the film "Miss Representation" about the media's view of women in power
6/1--YWCA sponsors Leadership Breakfast, a benefit for homeless women
6/1--Bhakti Flow Yoga has a benefit for Womencare Shelter
6/2--YMCA sponsors Girls On the Run 5K run
6/2--Female Artists for Music Education sponsors a benefit featuring female musicians and artists
6/8--Everybody Bike sponsors Diva Cycle, a bike ride with shopping
Ongoing--Habitat for Humanity sponsors Women Build Program
Ongoing--Kokoro Yoga has Kundalini Yoga for Women every Tuesday
March is MAN Month at Joy of Pilates
4/20--WWU sponsors Strongman competition
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It's everywhere
Yes. Just replace "for women only" with "for men only" or better yet, "for whites only", or pick something else, and see what happens. The male sex is the last distinct group of people in the west in which it is categorically all right to discriminate against openly. Do other groups suffer discrimination in different contexts coming from different people or individuals at times? Yes. Is it overt? Unlikely. "For women only" instead of being looked upon scornfully is in fact celebrated and vaunted. Recalls the "No Irish Need Apply" days of last century not to mention the Jim Crow era.