5 Reasons To Beware Of Feminist Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'1. Against Their Nature: Wouldn't it strike you as strange if a tiger suddenly turned vegetarian? This is because it is against their basic nature. In the same way, feminism is against the basic nature of men and that is why women hate men who claim to be upholders of women's rights.

2. Traitors To Their Own Cause: The types of men who start calling themselves feminists are seen as 'traitors' among men folk. Generally, men despise male feminists much more than they despise female feminists. How do you trust someone who has betrayed their own kind? If they have betrayed their own gender that is men, they might as well betray you.

3. No Chivalry: Usually men who believes in the rights of women usually lack chivalry. They treat women as equal, but not better than men. So when you are an equal, he doesn't have to hold the door for you or pay your bill. Just like Atheists have no holidays, feminists have no concessions for being women. That is why legendary actress said, "Women who want to be equal with men lack ambition."'

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It's unfortunate to see you post an article so filled with unsupported statements and outright mistakes, let alone the sloppy grammar.
Statements such as "women hate men who claim to be upholders of women's rights" demand some supporting evidence. Same goes for the claim that male feminists "start preaching for much more liberation than women want or need." The most strident feminists I can think of are female.
"legendary actress" did not say "Women who want to be equal with men lack ambition." That quote is actually from Timothy Leary.
"Women have this sinister quality to get attracted to all the 'wrong' kinds of men." is armchair psychology of the crudest sort. It would be equally valid to say that men have a sinister quality to get attracted to women who will betray them, treat them like dirt, divorce them, and take half of their stuff. Such generalizations have no explanatory value.
Please vet these links before reposting them. Especially ones that are so poorly written. Just because an article is anti-feminist does not make it accurate or worthwhile.

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