Men: Suffering secretly and silently
Article here. Excerpt:
'Are times changing in the patriarchal society we live in? Has feminism smothered and surpassed the brotherhood, leaving them floundering and forgotten about on the sidelines? A true feminist would hope not, as (contrary to sloppy stereotypes) feminism is about achieving true equality, not the oppression of men.
A while ago, I wrote about how austerity in Britain is hurting women the most. Since then, things haven't got better, they've got worse. The British government is inflicting yet more pain on women in Britain by disregarding and debasing issues such as abortion, rape and domestic violence. Ruthlessly slashing the already frail budget from women's services, culling child benefit, housing benefit, child tax credits and cutting 40 per cent - £350m ($550m) - from Legal Aid's already meagre budget - these are just a few stomach-churning indications of how women in Britain are being forced into a further state of vulnerability by those in power.
But men in Britain are vulnerable too, like 38-year-old Chris from London. We don't really hear about neglected and vulnerable men, because as a direct consequence of phallogocentrism, there is little acknowledgement that a man could be struggling, a fact recognised least of all by men themselves.'
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