Female sexual arousal = defense against rape?

Holy non sequiturs, Batman! Read it here. Excerpt:

'The findings confirm a long-held belief among sexual researchers that has apparently not been studied in any depth before. The results provide new insight into the evolutionary development of human sexual responses, suggesting that women may have evolved a more responsive sexuality to help them cope with forced copulation.

Established ways of assessing sexual identity are more invasive. For men, it involves wrapping the penis in a device that measures expansion in response to erotic stimuli. For women, it is the insertion of a vaginal probe that assesses changes in the amplitude of the vaginal pulse.
The findings support the idea that sexual response has different biological functions in men and women. For men, an important function is to facilitate erection and penetration. For women, the function is to stimulate lubrication and prevent genital injury in case of penetration -- a response that may have developed early in evolutionary history in response to episodes of rape by males.'

So lubrication of the vagina in females is a defense against vaginal trauma inflicted by rapist males. Um, what? You mean it doesn't happen because, well, the woman might just get aroused by *gasp* the idea of having sex with a *gasp* man and vaginal lubrication makes this all the more possible? I don't know where the author got his ideas about sexual dynamics from but I doubt they came from common bloody sense.

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Using the same "logic" as the researcher one would have to conclude that an erection is merely a male defense against having testicles injured by an insanely humping, rapist woman. :-/

I think using the words "logic," or "reason" in the context of this "researcher's" "research" constitutes oxymorons.

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Ya see, our eyes are lubricated so the cornea doesn't dry out an protects if from debris
Our ears have wax so the tiny hairs in our ears don't get brittle and break so they can vibrate and allow us to hear.
Our skin produces liquid so that it can cool our bodies in the heat
Our mouths produce saliva so that we can insert food in it to nourish our bodies
A vagina produces fluid so that sperm can use it to help move it towards the cervix so it can produce more life....

Wait a minute, how are all of these lubricants and fluids GOOD for us? Maybe this guy isn't right. Maybe all of this lube and liquid is to sustain and create life.

Sorry guys. I change my mind. He's wrong.

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