Commentary: Individual voices worry liberal feminists
Article here. Excerpt:
'When the White House announced a push to use Title IX -- a law best known for increasing female participation in sports -- to boost the number of women in the science, technology and math fields, there wasn't much of a reaction. That's because to most people, there's not much of a problem. Though the Obama administration claims that girls and women need government help because they are being discriminated against, that might be the opposite of what's happening.
The liberal feminist groups that are pushing this agenda on the administration complain that women earn only 18 percent of the bachelor's degrees in engineering and computer science. But in reality, that number is a very small part of the story of women in so-called STEM fields. Turns out, women rule in biology with nearly 60 percent of all bachelor's, master's and doctorates awarded to women. Notice that nobody is raging about that gender disparity despite the fact that Title IX protects the underrepresented sex, male or female. According to the U.S. Department of Education, no investigations into this or many other gender disparities in favor of girls and women in a variety of disciplines are pending.
We are asked to believe that an anti-female gender apartheid exists even though more than 40 percent of bachelor's degrees awarded in the physical sciences and math go to women. The National Women's Law Center complains that women need to be better represented in the STEM fields that are more lucrative. This condescendingly assumes that women don't already consider these things when choosing a career. They don't need Big Sister telling them what's best for them.'
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