Gender-biased laws don’t help matters
Letter here. Excerpt:
'A recent weekend edition of The Marietta Times, contained the viewpoint article, "Violence Against Women Act" must be renewed. I would like to ask the writer, executive director, Nancy Neylon, to give me a good reason as to why a gender biased act should ever be renewed. I believe domestic violence is wrong and no one, male or female, should instigate such actions. Those found guilty of such acts should not be protected by a law that focuses wholly on the woman.
Men are also stalked and fear for their lives. Women file false allegations, lie to the police and courts and it is the man who is usually arrested; when women are guilty the sentence is not the same as what a man would receive. No law is needed to protect the lawbreaker regardless of gender or life style. VAWA should be rewritten to cover all genders, anything less is redundant and biased. Not all immigrants are victims, some turn out to be the abuser after coming to the states but are still covered by this biased rambling law.'
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If having VAWA Authorized is so very important
"'A recent weekend edition of The Marietta Times, contained the viewpoint article, "Violence Against Women Act" must be renewed."
I've often said, if having VAWA Authorized is so very important, the republicans have one they are more than willing to support, get the dems on board with it. But if the need is to have the DEM VAWA authorized, then it isn't VAWA that is wanted, it is the gendered politics and free reign of exploitation and abuse of the system that they feel is needed.
Biden once said something along the lines of "we need VAWA reauthorized, we can deal with the details afterwords". I suspect he doesn't feel the same way about the republicans version.