Science Quotas for Women--A White House Goal

Article here. Excerpt:

'But lately, and especially under the Obama administration, the Education Department has been inserting Title IX aggressively into other aspects of college life. One of them is sexual misconduct, typified by the department's new rule demanding that colleges lower the standard of proof required to prove sexual assault in a campus disciplinary proceeding. And now the department has been asked to intervene in what is supposed to be a problem: that more women than men choose to major in the humanities--or biology--rather than in the math-intensive STEM fields. Yet the administration's view that bias reduces women's entry into STEM fields has little scholarly support. A task force from the National Academy of Sciences investigated 500 university science departments and concluded that men and women overall "enjoyed comparable opportunities," and that female candidates for jobs at major research universities actually had a slight edge over their male competitors.'

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