Increasing number of US schools splitting up boys, girls in classrooms

Article here. Excerpt:

'Single-sex classes began proliferating after the U.S. Education Department relaxed restrictions in 2006. With research showing boys, particularly minority boys, are graduating at lower rates than girls and faring worse on tests, plenty of schools were paying attention.

In 2002, only about a dozen schools were separating the sexes, according to the National Association for Single Sex Public Education, an advocacy group. Now, an estimated 500 public schools across the country offer some all-boy and all-girl classrooms.

Proponents argue the separation allows for a tailored instruction and cuts down on gender-driven distractions among boys and girls, such as flirting. But critics decry the movement as promoting harmful gender stereotypes and depriving kids of equal educational opportunities. The ACLU claims many schools offer the classes in a way that conflicts with the U.S. Constitution and Title IX, a federal law banning sex discrimination in education. Researchers also have weighed in.

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what they dont say or talk about is how the schooling system was changed in the 90`s to suit girls learning style only....

thats gender discrimination isnt it? but its ok because only the boys suffer,, what they are worried about it that if boys start to receive schooling taylored to their needs they will surpass the girls again in university..instead of tyring to get thru school with a feminist boot on their neck the whole time telling them how dumb they are and how smart and superior girls are....

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